When I first got the idea of starting a blog, it sounded like an amazing way to connect with fellow fashion lovers and those who support my dream. However I soon realized that I had no idea what would I say. Thoughts of talking about the fashion industry, sustainable fashion, my experience in fashion school or possibly even the design and construction of the beautiful things that I create seemed like possible topics. While I am very obsessed with those things and trust me I could talk all day about those things, just go to my social and you'll see! I wanted to write about something different and unique, while still including all of my passions and the work that happens at The Taste Studio. As the new year began, I decided to make it a goal for my brand to be different from most clothing companies today, we would strive to use sustainable and ethically made fabric and not only that but work to use less waste in our designs and process. As I searched for more ways to be that responsible brand. I decided to go back to my roots, before I could pattern draft, design or even sew, I would up-cycle! Being raised by a single mother, meant funds were always low and creativity was always high. From goodwills to donations, my clothing always received the Stephanie up-cycle treatment. I was forced to use my creativity to enhance and elevate old garments to my fashion desires. As I look back on my youth's creativity, I'm impressed by that young girl's passion to always look her best despite whatever her circumstances were. Fast forward 15 years, that young girl's passion and determination remain, but this time in a woman with skills and experience. 2023 would be the year that I would tell that young girl's story, but also showcase what amazing things can be done with clothing that we already own or can be easily found at many thrift stores today. I will use thrifted or donated clothing and up-cycle them! This will be a blog about that clothing and what they were and what they will become! A story of old clothes and their revival! I hope you follow along and see what potential all clothing has and can have, when we breathe life into them once again.